(have (got) it) made in the shade
not have a leg [have no leg] to stand on
(not) have a snowball's chance in hell
put [have] all one's eggs in [into] one basket
put on the gloves
set [have, put] one's foot on the neck of A
set one's heart against A
set one's heart on A
take [have] A in hand
1 (特によくする目的から)Aの世話[管理]を引き受ける2 Aを処理する,扱う,手がける
take [have] A in tow
1 A(車・船)を引き綱[鎖]でつなぐ2 A(人)をお供[賛美者,仲間]として従える3 A(人)を指導[案内]する;Aを預かる,Aの世話をする