around [((英))round] the clock
1 24時間ぶっ通しで,四六時中2 休みなく,絶えず
be a love and ...
(be) the worse for drink
Fortune's wheel
(運命の女神が回して人生の有為転変をもたらす)運命の輪;運命,栄枯盛衰be at the top [bottom] of Fortune's wheel幸運の絶頂[不運のどん底]にある
(go) the whole nine yards
Go to Bath!
God [Heaven, The Lord] forbid!
((略式))決してそうでない,(…とは)とんでもない≪that節≫(◆仮定法に由来するので forbids とはならない)God forbid that anything should happ...
hell [the devil] to pay
Here [There] A goes (again).
(in) the worst way
((米略式))ひどく,とても,すごくI want a drink (in) the worst way.一杯やりたくてたまらない