knock (on) [((英))touch] wood
on [to] the verge of A [doing]
Aの[…する]間際[寸前]の,いまにもA[…]しようとしてon the verge of tears [extinction, laughter]涙をこぼす[絶滅,笑う]寸前のEllen was...
(one) too many for A
put in [toss in, give] one's two cents (worth)
rub [touch] elbows with A
strike [touch] a chord
take off [raise, touch] one's hat to A
(the) full [top] whack
throw [toss] A out (of) the window
1 Aを完全に取り除く2 Aのことを忘れる
throw A [toss] overboard
1 Aを海中へ捨てる2 A(考えなど)をきっぱりと捨てる