1〔打ち消し〕not行きたくないI don't want to go.失敗したというのではないIt's not that he failed.そんなことを言った覚えはないI'm sure I n...
予算内の品物がなかったI could not find anything in my price range.
食事に行かないかWhy don't we go eat?/Shall we 「go eat [go out for a meal]?やってみようじゃないかLet's try it!/Let's ...
仕立て直しの服a remade dress着物を仕立て直しに出すhave a kimono (taken apart at the seams for cleaning and then) re...
本を読み直すread a book over again書き直すrewrite ((an essay))建て直すrebuild ((a house))
あの子はほんとうに親泣かせだHe really breaks his parents' hearts./His parents simply don't know what to do with...
驚くなかれ彼女は億万長者の娘だったDon't let this surprise you, but she was a daughter of a billionaire.ご利益をゆめゆめ疑うな...
((接続助詞))1〔とはいえ〕though;〔にもかかわらず〕in spite ofあれだけの才能がありながらいつも貧乏だ「With all his talent [Although he is...
((接尾辞))1〔いずれも〕彼は富と健康を二つながら持っているHe has both wealth and health.娘は3人ながら結婚しましたAll of my three daughte...
彼は再起できなくなったHis condition deteriorated so badly that recovery was impossible.結局我慢できなくなったAfter all ...