(come) rain or shine
come [rise, be brought] to the surface
1 (水中から)浮上する2 表面化する
criticize [rip] A up one side and down the other
cry [ask, reach] for the moon
develop [hone, raise] A to a fine art
dig up [raise, take up] the tomahawk
do [run] a number on A
((略式))1 (策略などで)A(人)の気持ちを傷つける,Aをだます2 A(物)をめちゃめちゃにする
drag [((米))rake, ((英))haul] A over the coals
fire [work, run, hit, operate] on all cylinders
fit [ready] to drop
((略式))疲れきって(tired out)