things that go bump in the night
things that go bump in the night
think again
think ahead
think back
think better of A
A(事)を考え直す,再考してやめるthink better of it思い直すI thought better o...
think [see] fit
((しばしば皮肉))適当と思う,(…しようと/…であると)決める≪to do/that節≫He didn't th...
think kindly of A
think little of A
think nothing of A
Aするのを何とも思わない(◆Aは doing);Aを軽視[軽蔑]するThink nothing of it.お気遣...
think on one's feet
think outside [out of] the box
think the sun shines out (of) A's ((米))butt [((米卑))ass, ((英))bum, ((英卑))arse, ((英遠回しに))backside]
think the world of A
think twice
(不安・危険を伴う行動の前に)よく考える,ためらうThink twice before you speak.よく考...
thinks one is it
third time lucky((英略式))
this and [or] that
((略式))あれやこれや,何やかや(this,that and the other)try this and th...
This beats my grandmother.
this day week [year]
((英))1 来週[来年]のきょう2 先週[昨年]のきょう
this here
this is it
((略式))1 さあいよいよだ2 ((英))そのとおりだ
This is it.
((略式))1 いよいよだ,やっときた2 これでおしまい,ここまで3 ここがまさに問題[それ]だ
This means war!
this side of A
1 A(境界線・空間)のこちら側[手前]this side of the river [the room]川の手前...
this (very) moment
1 即刻,ただちにGet out of here this moment!とっととうせろ2 たった今しがた
this, that, and the other
((略式))=this and [or] that
though [if] I (do) say it [so] myself
thrash out
(他)1 〈問題などを〉徹底的に議論する2 〈真理・解決などを〉(議論の末)見つけ出す
thread and thrum
thread the needle
1 針に糸を通す2 困難なことをやりとげる
thrills and spills
thrive on
through and through
すっかり,徹底的に,徹頭徹尾,あらゆる点でShe's a woman through and through.彼女...
through foul or [and] fair
through no fault of one's own
through one's (clenched) teeth
through [by] the agency of A
((形式))Aの(物理的な)力で;A(人など)の尽力でthrough [by] the agency of the...
through thick and thin
throw A a curve (ball)
throw A back in B's face
throw [have] a fit
throw A for a loss
1 《アメフト》タックルしてA(相手)を後退させる2 〈物・事が〉A(人)にショックを与える;心配させる
throw A in at the deep end
throw A into the breach
throw [put, cast] A into the melting pot
1 Aを混乱の渦に巻き込む2 A(体制など)を改革する
throw a (monkey) wrench into the works
throw [toss] A out (of) the window
1 Aを完全に取り除く2 Aのことを忘れる
throw A out on A's ass
throw A [toss] overboard
1 Aを海中へ捨てる2 A(考えなど)をきっぱりと捨てる