Zoroastrianismゾロアスター教徒a Zoroastrian
[< ((ドイツ語)) Sonde]1〔気象観測気球〕a sonde [sάnd|sɔ́nd]; a sounding balloonラジオゾンデa radio sondeゾンデを飛ばすsend...
a zoneデ杯ヨーロッパゾーンthe European zone of the Davis Cup tournament
絶対にやってみせるぞI'll do it ― just you watch and see!これからは私の言う通りにするんだぞFrom now on you be sure you do wha...
線路沿いに西へ500メートルほど行くgo westward along the railroad tracks for about 500 meters湖沿いの遊歩道an esplanade a...
⇒しょぞう(所蔵)藤原家蔵の古文書old documents 「belonging to [which are the property of] the Fujiwara family個人蔵のp...
〔家族〕a family;〔種族〕a race;〔部族〕a tribe;〔元素などの〕a group一族(郎党)a (whole) family/a (whole) householdモヒカン族...
お箸はし初めa ceremony to celebrate a baby's first use of chopsticks市長が新しい橋の渡り初めをしたThe mayor was the fi...
三つ揃いa three-piece suit美人揃いだったEach and every one of them was beautiful.
〔医学で〕a contrast medium