“Why?”, he grumbled.
“Will he be coming tomorrow?” “Possibly [(Quite) possibly].”
「彼はあす来るのかい」「たぶん[絶対に]ね」(◆否定はPossibly not.)
“Will it snow today?” “I hope not.”
“Will you be at the party?” “Definitely.”
“Will you come to our party?” “Of course, I'll come.”
“Will you come to the party?” “I'll be (only too) glad to.”
“Will you join the cause?” “Yes, willingly.”
「その運動の主旨に賛同しますか」「はい,喜んで」(◆Yes,I will. に相当)
“Will you work overtime on Christmas?” “No way!”
“Won't you come with us?” “Negative.”
“Would you like to come with me?” “I would love to.”