what the hey
((米略式))まあいいや(◆what the hell の婉曲表現)
What were you thinking of?
what with A
((略式))(理由を列挙して)A(物・事)のせいでWhat with one thing and another, I never get any work done.なんだかんだで仕事がかたづかない
(what) with one thing and another
1 what is,what has の短縮形(◆what is は((略式))では短縮形をとるが,What is it [he]? では is に強勢がくるので通例短縮しない)2 ((略式))...
What's cooking?
What's eating you?
What's going down?
What's gotten [got] into Joe?
what's his [her] face