give A (fresh) heart
give A full marks for B
1 A(人)にB(試験)で満点を与える2 ((英略式))A(人)をB(成果など)で絶賛する
give a good [fine, poor] account of oneself
give A gyp
give A hark from the tomb
give A hell
1 A(人)をしかりとばす,Aにどなりちらす2 A(人)をひどい目に合わせる
give A his [her] due
1 A(人)を公平に扱う2 =give the DEVIL his due
give a hundred (and ten) percent
give A in charge
1 A(人)を(…に)預ける≪to≫2 ((英))A(人)を警察に引き渡す
give [offer] a knee to A