have been
1 (…に)いたことがある2 (…へ)行ったことがある≪to≫I've never been to such a nice party.こんなすばらしいパーティーは初めてだ3 (…へ/…しに)行...
have been and done
((英略式))よくも…できたものだ(◆抗議・驚きを表す)Who's been and broken the camera?カメラを壊したのはいったいだれだ
have been around
((略式))1 ⇒副3b2 経験豊かである,世慣れている;((戯))異性との経験が豊富であるI have not been around much.まだうぶなんです
have been around the block (a few times)
have been around the ridges
have been had
have been in the wars
((英略式・戯))1 (事故などで)けがをしている;病気の連続である2 手荒く扱われた形跡があるHaving been in the wars, his car was ready for th...
have been there (before)
(have) bought it.
have cash flow problems