get [have] one's own back on A
get [have] the best of A
1 A(人)をしのぐ,負かす,だしぬく(get [have] the better of A)2 A(争い)に勝つ;A(取引)で最も得をするget [have] the best of it(議...
get [have] the drop on A
get [have] the wind up
get [have] the worst of it
get [have, take] the wrong sow by the ear
1 見当違いの人[もの]を捕える2 まちがった結論を出す
give [have] it large
have A at heart
have A at one's fingers' ends
have A at one's fingertips
1 A(情報など)が手元にある;すぐ手に入る2 A(物・事)に精通している,Aが口をついて出てくる