This beats my grandmother.
this day week [year]
((英))1 来週[来年]のきょう2 先週[昨年]のきょう
this here
this is it
((略式))1 さあいよいよだ2 ((英))そのとおりだ
This is it.
((略式))1 いよいよだ,やっときた2 これでおしまい,ここまで3 ここがまさに問題[それ]だ
This means war!
this side of A
1 A(境界線・空間)のこちら側[手前]this side of the river [the room]川の手前[部屋のこちら側]happiness (on) this side of 「th...
this (very) moment
1 即刻,ただちにGet out of here this moment!とっととうせろ2 たった今しがた
this, that, and the other
((略式))=this and [or] that
thick [dense, heavy] cloud