“Who is there?” “It's me.”
「そこにいるのはだれ」「私です」(◆It's I. は単にMe.ともいう)
“Who is this Mr. Smith?” “Who is he, indeed?”
“Will you be at the party?” “Definitely.”
“Will you come to our party?” “Of course, I'll come.”
“Will you come to the party?” “I'll be (only too) glad to.”
“Will you lend me some money?” “Of cóurse nòt!”
“Will you work overtime on Christmas?” “No way!”
“With this crowd I can't see anything.” “I can't either [((米略式))Me either].”
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” “Yes [No], thank you.”
“Would you like another cocktail?” “(Yes,) Please.”