There is a possibility, however slight it may be.
There is more than one way [There are more ways (than one)] to skin a cat.
there's a first time for everything
there's always A
there's little [no, not much] love lost
thermal imager
These scissors are not sharp.
このはさみは切れない(◆1丁でも2丁以上でもこのようにいう;1丁を強調したいときはThis pair of scissors isn't sharp. のようにいう)
These trousers are dirty.
この[これらの]ズボンはよごれている(◆1本でも2本以上でもよい;2本以上であることを明示する場合は,these pairs of trousersを用いる)
(◆三人称複数主格)代1 彼[彼女]らは[が],それら[あれら]は[が]As for our children, they are doing well at school.うちの子どもたちはと...
They seem to know everything.=It seems that they know everything.