drink the house dry
drive a coach and horses through A
drive a coach-and-four through an Act of Parliament
drive A crazy
((略式))1 A(人)をひどく怒らせるTurn the radio down! It's driving me crazy.ラジオのボリュームを下げてくれ.いらいらする2 A(人)を性的に興奮...
drive a hard bargain
drive A home
1 A(人)を家まで送る(⇒動2a)2 A(くぎなど)を深く打ち込む3 A(議論・趣旨など)を(人に)十分に納得させる,痛感させる≪to≫drive the point home to a pe...
drive A spare
drive [push, send] A to the wall
drive [send] A up the [a] wall
drive A wild