If the shoe fits(, wear it).
if (the) worst comes to (the) worst
最悪の場合には(◆((英))では通例 the worst)
if worse comes to worset
=if (the) WORST comes to (the) worst
if you ask me
((略式))言わせてもらえば,私の見たところ“How do you like my hat?” “A little old-fashioned, if you ask me.”「私の帽子どう」「...
If you believe that, you'd believe anything.
if you can call it that [A]
If you can't beat them, join them.
if you don't [wouldn't] mind
((略式))1 よかったら,お差し支えなければ2 〔相手の意向に逆らって〕そう言っては何ですが,悪いけど3 気をつけないと
if you don't mind me [my] saying so [me asking]
if you insist
((略式))どうしてもと言われるのなら(◆しぶしぶの同意);(たび重なる申し出に)そこまでおっしゃるなら(お受けします)I'll come with you if you insist.どうして...