1〔等級〕the first class [grade]この品は上の部ですThis article is one of the best.このお茶は上の上ですThis is extra fine...
1〔感情,気持ち〕feeling;〔心情〕sentiment彼は情が激して絶句してしまったHe was so upset that he couldn't go on speaking./Una...
1〔戸締りの金具〕a lock南京なんきん錠a padlockばね錠a spring lockダイヤル[組み合わせ]錠a combination lock戸に錠を掛ける[外す]lock [unl...
教育上from an educational 「point of view [standpoint/viewpoint]歴史上の人物historical characters [figures]
1〔箇条〕憲法第9条Article 9 of the Constitution2〔すじ〕一条の煙a streak of smoke一条の光a beam of light
a quire ((of writing paper)) (▼quireは24枚)半紙1帖twenty sheets of Japanese paperのり1帖ten sheets of dri...
2の5乗the 5th power of 2/25(▼two to the fifth powerと読む)10を2乗するraise ten to the second power
6畳の間a six-mat roomその部屋は何畳ですかHow many mats does the room have?
松下嬢Miss Matsushita
a castle江戸城Edo Castle