・・・すぐ眼をふせて、鼻眼鏡を右手で軽くおさえ、If it is, then it shows great promise and not only this, but shows some brain behind it. と一語ずつ区切っては・・・ 太宰治 「猿面冠者」
・・・ people who have little or no understanding of things scientific. He has had, indeed, to endure not only ill-humoured co・・・ 寺田寅彦 「PROFESSOR TAKEMATU OKADA」
・・・inger and embraced the vacant space tightly with a desire that she may be my “better half” and mine only.” 二十六日 夜、セミナ・・・ 宮本百合子 「「黄銅時代」創作メモ」