1. ebb [low] tide
    • 午後8時に干潮になる
    • The tide will be on the ebb at 8 p.m.
    • 干潮時に
    • at low tide
  1. 干潮標a low-water mark
  1. 〔役所〕a government office;〔当局〕the authorities
    • 行政官庁
    • an administrative office
    • 当該[関係]官庁
    • the authorities concerned
  1. 官庁街a government office quarter
  1. 官庁公示事項the items in the government notice
  1. an enema [énə-mə]
    • 病人に浣腸する
    • give an enema to a patient
  1. 浣腸器an enema
  1. 浣腸薬an enema
  1. the chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)
  1. a director;〔博物館などの〕a curator;〔図書館の〕the chief [head] librarian
    • 美術館長
    • the director [curator] of an art museum
    • 水族館長
    • the director of an aquarium
  1. the captain
    • 潜水艦の艦長
    • the captain of a submarine
    • 旗艦の艦長
    • the flag captain
  1. 艦長室the captain's cabin

