1. prehistory

    先史の prehistoric

  1. 先史学(a study of) prehistory
  1. 先史時代the prehistoric age
    • 先史時代の生物
    • prehistoric life
  1. 〔外科で〕centesis
  1. I〔戦場で戦う兵士〕a warrior; a combatant; a fighter
    • 無名戦士(の墓)
    • (the tomb of) the unknown soldier
  1. II〔第一線で活躍している人〕a front-line worker
    • 産業戦士
    • an industrial worker
    • 自由の戦士
    • a champion of liberty/a freedom fighter
  1. the history of a war
    • この作戦は戦史に残るであろう
    • This battle strategy will 「live in the annals of war [go down in history].
  1. death in battle

    戦死する die in a war;〔戦闘で〕be killed in action [battle], die [fall] in battle

  1. 戦死者a person killed in action;〔総称〕the war dead
  1. 戦死者遺族a family bereaved by war;〔総称〕the family of a person killed in action; the families of the war dead

