for one thing ... (, for another ...)
ひとつには…(またひとつには…)For one thing I'm busy; for another I don...
for one's health
〔主に否定文で〕((略式))自分の利益のためにI'm not in this for my health!自分のた...
for one's money
for one's own hand
for one's (own) part
for one's pains
((略式・皮肉))苦労のしがいもなく,あげくにI got nothing for my pains.骨折り損だった
for oneself
自分のために;独力で(◆「自分のために自ら」という意味;⇒(all) by oneself)
for openers
for pleasure
for real
((主に米略式))本当の[に],本気の[で];実在の,現実のYou mean she dyed her hair ...
for reasons best known to oneself
for sale
売るために,売り物になってHe put his house up for sale.彼は自分の家を売りに出した
For shame!
((古))=Shame on A!
for shit
((卑))少しも,ぜんぜん,まったく(at all)
for short
略してThomas is called Tom for short.トーマスは略してトムと呼ばれる
for show
見せびらかすためにwear glasses for showだてに眼鏡をかける
for size
for some reason
for sure
((略式))確かに,確実に(surely,for certain)
for that matter
そのことなら,それについては;さらに言うなら;ついでに言えばLike Hindus, they dislike b...
(for) that [this] once
for the account
for the better
for the devil of it
for the duration
for the gods
(神々にふさわしいほど)すばらしい(◆反語的にも用いる)a sight for the godsすばらしい眺め
for (the) honor
for the life of A
〔通例否定文で〕((略式))A(人)にはどうしても(…ない)I couldn't remember for the...
for the love of A
Aを考慮して,Aに免じて;Aのためにfor the love of mercy [God, Heaven, Mik...
for the love of God
for the love of Mike
for the meantime
for the meanwhile
for the (mere) asking
くれと言いさえすればただでYou may have it for the asking.ただですよ
for the moment
さしあたり,当座はI can't say anything for the moment.今のところ何とも言えない
for the most part
大部分は,たいていは,ほとんどThis failure is due, for the most part, to...
for the nonce
for the sake of argument
for the sake of it
それ自身が目的で,それ自身に価値を認めてstudy English for its own sake英語そのものが...
for the soul of me
for the time being
当分の間,さしあたって,しばらくはThis will do for the time being.当分はこれで間に合う
for the worse
悪い方向にThe situation changed [took a turn] for the worse.状況...
for to do
((古・方言))…するために(in order to do)
for two cents, I'd do
for two pins
for what it's [it may be] worth
force A's hand
force back
force down
(他)1 〈飲食物を〉無理に飲み込む2 〈飛行機を〉(危険回避のため)緊急着陸[着水]させる3 〈物を〉減少させる
force off