in the tank
in the [A's] teeth
in the teeth of A
1 Aに面と向かって,さからって2 Aをものともせず,Aに反対して
in the thick of it [A]
in the toilet
in the universe
in the unlikely event of A
in the (very) act of A
A(行為・犯罪など)をしている最中に,まさにAしようとして(◆Aは名詞・動名詞)He was caught in ...
in the (very) nick of time
in the vicinity of
〔金額・年数など数量の前で〕((形式))約,おおよそ,ほぼin the vicinity of $500,000 ...
in the wake of A
A(不幸な事件・出来事)のすぐ後に[の結果として]in the wake of the earthquake地震の...
in the [A's] way
(人の)道をふさいで,(人の)じゃま[妨害]になってnot stand in his way彼のじゃまを[留め立て...
in the way of A
1 Aとして,Aの点で,Aにかけては2 Aをするのに有利な地位にbe in the way of getting ...
in the wilderness
in the wind
〈事が〉起ころうとして,差し迫ってA swift change was in the wind.急速な改革がまさに...
in the works
in the world
1 〔最上級,all,everythingなどを強めて〕世界で最も…なhave all the time in t...
(in) the worst way
((米略式))ひどく,とても,すごくI want a drink (in) the worst way.一杯やりた...
in the wrong
((形式))〈人が〉間違って,誤って(⇔in the right)According to the evidenc...
in the year of 「our Lord [((やや古))grace] A
in there pitching
in this [that] behalf
in this [that] connection
in time
1 (…に/…するのに)間に合って≪for/to do≫just in time for summerちょうど夏に...
in [as a] token of A
in Tophet
in total
in tow
1 引かれて2 ((略式))引き連れて
in [out] tray
in trouble
1 窮地に陥って,問題を起こしてin serious [deep, big] trouble大ピンチに陥って2 (...
in turn
1 今度は;さらに,逆に2 交替で;順に
in [at] twice
in two
まっ二つに,半々にsplit [broken, divided] in twoまっ二つに割れて[壊れて,分けられて]
in two twos
in unison
(人と)一致[調和]して≪with≫;一斉に,同時に;斉唱[斉奏]でnod in unisonそろってうなずく
in vain
効果なく,むなしく,むだでAll his plans were in vain.彼の計画は何ひとつ実現しなかったP...
in view
1 (…が)見えるところに≪of≫2 ((形式))(…を)考慮して≪of≫;(目標として)心にとめてIn view...
in waiting
1 (王・女王などに)仕えて2 《英軍》(義務・特権が)次の番で
in waves
断続的に押し寄せて,波状的にattack in waves波状攻撃をする
in whelp
in whole
in with A
〔命令文で〕Aを入れろIn with you!入れIn with it!それを入れろ
in words of one syllable
in your dreams
In your face!
inch by inch
=by inches (2)
include A out
((略式・戯))A(人)を除外する,はずすIf so, please include me out.それなら私ははずして
independent of A
1 ⇒形1,2,32 〔文頭・文尾で〕Aとは関係なく,Aとは別にIndependent of monetary c...
independently of A
ink in