“We've got nothing to say to each other.” “But we've got to.”
“Well,” he continued.
“What business is he in?” “His business is law.”
“What color is it?” “It is green.”
“What day is it (today)?” “It's Friday.”
「(きょうは)何曜日?」「金曜日」(◆通例曜日を尋ねる言い方;the days of the weekで日月火水木金土)
“What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded.
“What time do you make it?” “I make it ten past five.”
((英略式))「今何時ですか」「5時10分です」(◆((米))では“What time do you have?”)
“What's going on?” he snapped.
“When is the wedding?” “Well, as a matter of fact, it's tomorrow.”
“Where did you go to college?” “I went to Yale.”