make certain
(…を)確かめる≪of≫;きっと(…をするよう/…するよう)取り計らう≪of/that節≫Please make certain of the departure time.出発の時間を確かめて...
make it
((略式))1 (乗り物・会合などに)うまく間に合う,着く≪to≫We've just made it.何とか間に合った1a (…を)うまくやりとげる,切り抜ける,命を取り止める≪through...
make it [things, the place] (too) hot for A
make land
make no bones about [of, at] A
make [take up] one's abode
make [begin, finish] preparations to move into a new house
make sure
1 (…を/…したことを)確かめる≪of/that節≫make sure of the facts事実を確認するShe made sure that the door was shut.彼女は戸...
make the best of A
Aをできるだけうまく利用する;Aでがまんする(◆活用できるものがあまり有利でない場合に用いる;⇒make the MOST of A)make the best of a bad job [si...
make the best of things