“I'm going to the U.S. this summer.” “Yes?”
“Is he anybody?” “No, he's a mere nobody.”
“Is he coming?” “I guess so [not].”
「彼来るかしら」「来る [来ない] と思うよ」(◆I guess not. はGuess not. ともいう)
“Is he very ill?” “I fear so.”
“Is she dependable?” “Positively.”
“Janet is dancing.” “Who with?”
「ジャネットが踊ってるよ」「だれと?」(◆With whom?ともいう)
“Lynn” is an androgynous name.
“May I take this book?” “No, you mustn't.”
「この本を持っていってもいいですか」「だめだ」(◆must not(禁止),may not(不許可),cannot(不許可)のうち,((略式))ではcannotがふつう)
“More tea?” “No, I'm fine, thanks.”
“Must you go now?” “Yes, I must.”
「もう行かなければならないのですか」「ええ,そうなんです」(◆否定の答えは“No,I don't have to.”)