“Pity he cannot stay another week.” “Yes, a terrible pity.”
“Shall I call you tonight or tomorrow morning?” “Whatever.”
“Shall we order another bottle?” “By all means.”
“She expects to win.” “Does she, indeed?”
“Thanks for your help.” “It was no bother at all.”
“Thánk you.” “Thank yóu.”
「ありがとう」「こちらこそ[どういたしまして]」(◆Thank you. への応答;軽い礼に対しては特に応じないことも多い)
“Want some more?” “Just a little, please.”
“We'd better go now, hadn't we?” “Yes, we had [we'd better].”
“We've got nothing to say to each other.” “But we've got to.”
“Where are you going?” “Nowhere.”