1. 1〔似合わない様子〕不似合いな unbecoming ((to))
    • 不似合いな帽子
    • an unbecoming hat
    • あの服は彼女には不似合いだ
    • That dress does not become her.
    • このカーテンは部屋の色調に不似合いだ
    • This curtain 「doesn't fit in [isn't in harmony] with the color scheme of the room.
  1. 2〔不相応な様子〕不似合いな 〔値しない〕unworthy ((of));〔不釣り合いな〕ill-matched
    • 彼ほどの地位の人には不似合いな道楽
    • a pastime 「unbecoming to [unworthy of] a man of his position
    • 不似合いな夫婦
    • an ill-matched couple [pair]
    • 不似合いな結婚
    • an ill-assorted marriage/〔身分違いの〕a mésalliance
    • 調停役は彼には不似合いだ
    • He is not fitted for the role of arbitrator.
    • リア王役は彼には不似合いだ
    • He won't fit the part of King Lear.

