1. 1〔適当な〕proper, appropriate;〔ふさわしい〕suitable
    • 彼はしかるべき治療を受けねばならない
    • He has to get proper medical treatment.
    • 式に出るならしかるべき服装をして行きなさい
    • If you are going to attend the ceremony, you should wear suitable [appropriate] clothes.
    • その事にはしかるべき考慮を払いましょう
    • I will give the matter due consideration.
  1. 2〔悪くない〕decent
    • しかるべき家柄
    • a respectable [decent] family
  1. 3〔当然な〕
    • あれだけ世話をしたのだから,お礼を言ってしかるべきだったのに
    • Since I gave him so much assistance, he should [ought to] have thanked me.
    • そういう人は厳しく罰してしかるべきだ
    • Such a man deserves to be punished severely.

