You needn't write to me unless there is something new.
(あまりないとは思うが)何か新しいことがない限り手紙はよこさなくて結構です(◆You needn't write to me if there isn't anything new. は「何か新...
You never can tell.
You never know.
You of all people should know better (than that).
You ought to have told them the truth.
彼らに真実を言っておくべきだった(◆ought to have doneは未来完了を示すこともある:You ought to have gotten a driver's license bef...
You oughtn't to say such a thing.
You owe it to yourself to ask her for a date.
You pays your money and you takes your choice [chance(s)].
You said it!
((略式))1 ((特に米))(相手に同意して)そのとおりだ,いやまったく2 ((英))(自分では言いづらいことを相手が言ったのに同意して)確かにそうだね,よく言った!
You seem a bit tired.