“Where is John's office located?” “It is located in New York.”
“Where is the dog?” “It's gone.”
“Where's my coat?” “Well, actually, I spilled coffee on it, and it's at the cleaner's.”
“Who is there?” “It's me.”
「そこにいるのはだれ」「私です」(◆It's I. は単にMe.ともいう)
“Who is this Mr. Smith?” “Who is he, indeed?”
“Why not?”she retorted.
“Why was he absent?” “Because he was otherwise engaged.”
“Why?” he shrieked.
“Why?”, he grumbled.
“Will he be coming tomorrow?” “Possibly [(Quite) possibly].”
「彼はあす来るのかい」「たぶん[絶対に]ね」(◆否定はPossibly not.)