(オーストラリア) the Murray River
通り魔〔殺人者〕an attacker who injures [kills] people he passes in the street放火魔an incendiary maniac/《米口...
1〔否定的推量〕まだ雨は降るまいI don't think it will rain yet.彼は成功すまいI'm afraid he won't succeed.事態が悪化することはあるまい「...
2枚の紙two sheets [pieces] of paper80円切手5枚five 80-yen stampsTシャツ2枚two T-shirts何枚皿を割ったのかHow many plat...
〔「…人前」の形で,…人分〕5人前の食事dinner for five (people)魚のフライ3人前three portions of fried fish一人前one portion [s...
⇒-もどき(-擬き),まがいもの(紛い物)鹿皮まがいの合成皮革buckskin-like synthetic leather
苦しまぎれに「driven by [out of] desperation/〔止むを得ず〕under the pressure of necessityくやしまぎれにout of vexatio...
〔増すこと〕increase; extra5割増し払う[請求する]pay [charge] 50 percent extra賃金を1割増しではどうですかWill you agree to a 1...
1〔その状態で〕私の部屋はそのままにしておいてくださいLeave my room 「as it is [untouched].彼女をそのままにしておいたほうがいいYou had better l...
ほこり[泥]まみれになったI got covered with dust [mud] all over.彼の顔は血まみれだったHis face was smeared with blood.