for the most part
大部分は,たいていは,ほとんどThis failure is due, for the most part, to poor planning.この失敗の原因のほとんどはお粗末な計画にある
for the nonce
for the sake of argument
for the sake of it
それ自身が目的で,それ自身に価値を認めてstudy English for its own sake英語そのものが好きで勉強する
for the soul of me
for the time being
当分の間,さしあたって,しばらくはThis will do for the time being.当分はこれで間に合う
for the worse
悪い方向にThe situation changed [took a turn] for the worse.状況は悪化した
for to do
((古・方言))…するために(in order to do)
for two cents, I'd do
for two pins