burn [hang, execute] A in effigy
1 A(人)の肖像[人形]を焼く[絞首刑にする,処刑する](◆怒り・軽蔑・嘲笑を公然と示す)2 非難[酷評]する;嘲笑する
bury [stick, have, put, hide] one's head in the sand
can't stand [bear] the sight of A
cash [hand, pass] in one's chips
1 チップを現金に換える2 ((米俗))(取引・契約から)手を引く3 ((米俗))死ぬ
Do you have a minute?
drag [((米))rake, ((英))haul] A over the coals
drag [haul, tear] ass
drop [have] a word in A's ear
enjoy [love, hate] every minute of A
(from) hand to mouth
その日暮らしで,将来の備えをしないでlive from hand to mouthその日暮らしをする