not think [believe] for one [a] minute
not [nothing] to be sneezed [to sneeze] at A
A(金額など)が相当なものであるTwenty dollars is not to sneeze at.20ドルといえばばかにできない金額だ
not to be sniffed at
not to mention A
Aに加えて;Aは言うまでもなくWe were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.ふつうのカクテルはもちろんフ...
not to put too fine a point on it
not to say A
Aと(まで)は言わないまでもIt looks very unusual, not to say strange.それは奇妙とまでは言わないけれど非常に変わっている
not to speak of A
Aは言うまでもなくHe has been to Europe, not to speak of America.アメリカはもちろんのことヨーロッパへも行ったことがある
Not to worry.
not [none] too ...
あまり…ない(⇒none 副 2)
not too [so] bad
((略式))(予想したほど)悪くはない,まあまあだ(◆控え目な表現で,逆に相手に強い印象を与える)“How's your research coming along?” “Not so bad....