on the wrong [other, shady] side of A
on thin ice
(薄氷を踏むような)危ない状態でbe (skating) on thin ice薄氷を踏む,危険を冒す
on this [that] account
(on) this side (of) the grave
on time
1 時間どおりに,定刻にarrive right [((略式))bang, dead] on timeちょうど時間きっかりに到着するShe was on time to the minute.彼...
on tiptoe(s)
1 つま先でstand [walk] on tiptoeつま先で立つ[歩く]2 こっそりと,忍び足で,用心深く3 大いに期待して,待ちかまえて
on to
on top
1 (物の)てっぺんに,最上部に[で];(頭の)てっぺんに2 (人より)勝って,優勢で3 さらに加えて
on top line
on top of A
1 A(人・物)の上にone on top of the other =on top of one another次々と上に重ねて2 A(人)のすぐ近くに3 A(物・事)に加えて,その上さらに4...