take the bear by the tooth
take the biscuit
take [get, have] the bit in [between] one's teeth
1 〈馬が〉はみをくわえてあばれる2 頑として言うことを聞かない;決然として熱心に事に当たる
take the bread out of [from] A's mouth
take the bull by the horns
take the cake
((特に米略式))最悪[最低]だ(((英))take the biscuit)
take the chill off A
take [suffer, bear, face] the consequences
take the count
take the edge off A
1 A(刃物)の刃をなまらせる2 A(味・言い方など)を柔らげる,穏やかにする;A(痛みなど)を和らげる