the dear departed
the deck is stacked against A
((米))=the CARDs are stacked against A
the Defender of the Faith
the departed
((遠回しに))1 〔単数扱い〕(特定の)故人2 〔集合的に;複数扱い〕死者(◆よりよい世界へ行ったことを暗示する,主に宗教上の用語)
the devil (and all) to pay
the devil's own luck
The die is cast.
the dogs of war
1 戦争の惨禍2 傭兵ようへい
the end of the road [the line]
the end of the world
この世の終わりIt's not the end of the world.((略式))たいしたことではないthe end of the world as we know itいまある世界の終わり...