under protest
under sail
帆を揚げて;航行中でget under sail出帆[出航]するunder full sail順風満帆の[で]
under steam
1 蒸気の力で2 〈汽船が〉航行中で3 ((略式))元気を出して
under suspicion
容疑がかかってHe fell [came] under suspicion.彼に疑いがかかったput a person under suspicion for this crime人にこの罪の疑...
under the canopy
〔疑問文を強めて〕((米))一体全体What under the canopy is the Haunted Wood?おばけの森って一体なに?(◆『赤毛のアン』より)
under [((英))in] the circumstances
under the [a] cloak of A
under the counter
under the gun (to do)
under [to] the hammer
競売にbring [put up, send] ... under [to] the hammer…を競売に出すcome [go] under the hammer競売に出る[出される]