hope [pray, swear, wish] to God ...
in [with] a whole skin
in [with] calf
in [with] foal
in [within] one's claws
1 (人の)手中に落ちて2 ((戯))つかまえて,つかんで
in [with] reference to A
in [within] sight of A
1 A(対象)が見える場所にShe came in sight of the house.彼女はその家が見えるところにきた2 A(事)を達成できる状態[段階]に
mop [wipe] the floor with A
not bat [without batting] an eyelid
not to mention A
Aに加えて;Aは言うまでもなくWe were served French champagne, not to mention the usual cocktails.ふつうのカクテルはもちろんフ...