1. 1〔結成〕formation

    成立する 〔結成される〕be organized [formed]

    • 新しい委員会の成立は彼の熱意に負うところが大きい
    • The formation of the new committee owes a great deal to his zeal.
    • 連立内閣が成立した
    • A coalition cabinet was formed.
    • その党は戦後成立した
    • The party was organized after World War II.
  1. 2〔議案などの通過〕成立する be approved; pass
    • 総会の決議により本年度の会の予算が成立した
    • The general convention has approved the budget of the association for the current fiscal year.
    • 動議は15対3で成立した
    • The motion (was) carried by fifteen votes to three.
  1. 3〔条約・協定などの締結〕成立する be concluded
    • 両国の間に条約[協定]が成立した
    • 「A treaty was concluded [An agreement was reached] between the two nations.
    • 商談が成立した
    • The deal was concluded.
    • 取引が成立すればお知らせします
    • We will let you know if 「a sale is made [a deal is reached].
  1. 4〔実現〕成立する 〔出来上がる〕come into existence [being];〔計画などが〕be realized
    • 政府の養老基礎年金制度が成立した
    • The government's old age basic pension system came into being.
    • 二人の婚姻が成立した
    • They were [got] married.
    • その計画は成立しなかった
    • The project fell through./The plan failed to materialize.
  1. 5〔有効〕
    • 定足数に満たず,会議は成立しなかった
    • We didn't have a quorum, so the meeting couldn't be held.
    • そんな理論は成立しない
    • Such a theory 「is not valid [does not hold water].

