enthusiastically; eagerly; zealously; with fervor [ardor, zeal]
- 熱心なクリスチャン
- a devout Christian
- 熱心な先生
- a devoted [dedicated] teacher
- 彼はその案を熱心に支持した
- He backed that plan enthusiastically./He was strongly for [in favor of] that plan.
- 子供たちは熱心に聞き入っていた
- The children listened to him attentively.
- 仕事に熱心だ
- He devotes himself to his work.
- あの学校は道徳教育に熱心だ
- The school sets great store by ethical training.
- 切手集めに熱心だ
- He is keen on collecting stamps.
- 彼の熱心さにはかなわない
- I cannot match him in enthusiasm.