- 〔思い上がり〕pride;〔うぬぼれ〕conceit;〔傲慢〕haughtiness, arrogance
高慢な proud; conceited; haughty; arrogant
- 彼女は実に高慢だ
- She is 「very conceited [as proud as a peacock].
- 彼は息子の醜聞で高慢の鼻をくじかれた
- The scandal involving his son really hurt his pride.
- あの将校の高慢の鼻をくじきたい
- We want to bring that haughty officer down a peg or two.
- 彼はいつも高慢に振る舞う
- He always acts in a lordly manner./He always throws his weight around.
- 高慢ちきa haughty person;〔うぬぼれの強い人〕a conceited person; a disgusting snob
- あの人は高慢ちきな顔をしている
- He looks high and mighty.