分担する 〔仕事などを分ける〕divide;〔分かち合う〕share;〔割り当てる〕assign

    • めいめいの仕事の分担を決めよう
    • Let's decide how to divide [split] up the work among us.
    • 君と費用を分担しよう
    • Let's 「share the expenses [split the expenses between us].
    • 私の分担はこれだけです
    • This is my allotted share of the work./This is the work assigned to me.
    • 彼にも事業を分担させるべきだ
    • He too should be required to take partial charge of the project.
    • 1人の分担額は5,000円です
    • The amount allotted to each is five thousand yen.
  1. 分担金a share of the expenses

