anywhere near [close to]
〔疑問文・否定文で〕((略式))1 …の近くのどこかで[に]2 ほとんど…(nearly)The job isn't anywhere near done.その仕事はまだとても終わってない
[動]1 自〈人が〉論拠を示して論じる,(…について)議論する≪about,over≫,(…に賛成/反対の)論を唱える≪in favor of,for/against≫;他〈…であると〉論理的に...
[接]1 【同等】(…と)同じに(解説的語義)〔as A as B〕Bと同じ程度に[くらい]A(◆1番目の as が副詞,2番目の as が接続詞);〔such a [the same] A a...
(as) black as one is painted
as far as ...
1 (場所が)…までHe went as far as Chicago.彼はシカゴまで行った(◆目的地までの距離の長さに重点がある.否定文ではso far asも用いる)2 (範囲が)…の及ぶか...
as far as that goes [that is concerned]
((略式))そのことについて言えば(◆主節が否定文の場合so far asが好まれる)
... as such
1 …そのもの,…自体;…のすべて(について)I didn't object to flextime as such. I just wanted to ensure job continuit...
as yet
〔通例否定文で〕(将来はともかく)今までのところは,今のところはまだ(so far)The plan has not worked well as yet.計画は今までのところはうまくいっていない
at all
1 〔否定文で〕少しも,全然(◆しばしば文末に置いて意味を強める)I didn't care for his attitude at all.彼の態度がまったく気に入らなかった2 〔疑問文で〕い...