1. 1〔処理〕
    • この書類の始末を頼む
    • 〔処置〕Will you take care of this paper?/〔廃棄〕Will you dispose of this paper?
    • 事故の始末をしなければならない
    • 〔跡片付け〕We must tidy up the mess left after the accident./〔事後処理〕We must deal with the aftermath of the accident.
    • 身の始末をつける
    • settle one's affairs
    • この問題は私の始末に負えない
    • This problem is 「too difficult for me to deal with [beyond me].
    • 始末に負えない子
    • an unmanageable child/《口》 a handful
    • 火の始末をきちんとすること
    • 〔消す〕See to it that the fire is properly put out.
  1. 2〔事の次第〕
    • 事の始末を話す
    • tell how things turned out
  1. 3〔悪い結果〕
    • こんな始末になって遺憾です
    • I regret that things have come to this pass.
    • 社長があの始末ではどうにもならない
    • What can we do when the president himself is so unreliable?
  1. 4〔節約〕
    • 用紙はもっと始末して使いなさい
    • You must economize on paper.
  1. 始末書a written apology
    • 始末書を取られた
    • I had to submit a written apology.
  1. 始末屋a thrifty [stingy] person ⇒締まり屋

