1. I
  1. 1〔果実の〕a stone;《米》 a pit
  1. 2〔細胞の〕a nucleus ((複 nuclei, ~es))
  1. 3〔原子核〕a nucleus ((複 nuclei, ~es))

    核の nuclear

    • 原子核
    • an atomic nucleus
  1. 4〔核兵器〕nuclear weapons
    • 我が国は核の持ち込みを禁止している
    • Bringing nuclear weapons into our country is banned.
  1. II〔物事の最重要点〕the nucleus; the core; the heart
    • この市民団体がその運動の核になっている
    • This citizen's group 「is at the core [forms the core] of the movement.
  1. 核アレルギーa nuclear allergy
  1. 核医学nuclear medicine
  1. 核移植nuclear transfer ((of DNA))
  1. 核エネルギーnuclear energy
  1. 核開発nuclear development
    • 核開発計画
    • a nuclear development program [plan]
    • 核(開発)疑惑
    • (a) suspicion of nuclear (weapons) development
  1. 核拡散nuclear proliferation
    • 核拡散防止条約
    • the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons/the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty ((略 NPT))/a nuclear nonproliferation treaty
  1. 核家族核家族
  1. 核クラブthe Nuclear Club
  1. 核軍縮nuclear arms reduction; nuclear disarmament
  1. 核査察a nuclear inspection;an inspection of nuclear facilities
  1. 核シェルターa nuclear shelter
  1. 核施設a nuclear complex [facility]
  1. 核実験a nuclear test
    • 地下核実験
    • an underground nuclear test
    • 核実験禁止条約
    • 〔包括・部分の区別なく〕the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    • 臨界前核実験
    • a subcritical experiment
  1. 核戦争a nuclear war
  1. 核大国a big nuclear power
  1. 核弾頭a nuclear warhead
  1. 核燃料nuclear fuel
    • 核燃料サイクル
    • the nuclear fuel cycle
    • 核燃料産業
    • the nuclear fuel industry
    • 核燃料再処理工場
    • a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant
  1. 核の傘a nuclear umbrella
  1. 核廃棄物nuclear waste
  1. 核爆弾a nuclear bomb; an atomic bomb; an A-bomb
  1. 核爆発「an atomic [a nuclear] explosion
  1. 核反応((cause; set off)) a nuclear reaction
  1. 核不拡散条約核拡散
  1. 核武装nuclear armament
  2. 核武装核武装する arm ((a nation)) with nuclear weapons
    • 核武装禁止地域
    • a denuclearized zone
  1. 核物理学nuclear physics
  1. 核分裂核分裂
  1. 核兵器a nuclear weapon;《米俗》 a nuke
  1. 核兵器拡散nuclear proliferation; the spread of nuclear arms [weapons]
  1. 核兵器廃絶「total elimination [abolition] of nuclear weapons
  1. 核保有国a nuclear power
  1. 核融合nuclear fusion
  1. 核抑止力nuclear deterrence

