1. 1〔上水道施設〕a water supply;〔水道の水〕tap water
    • この村には水道の設備がない
    • There is no water service in this village.
    • 新しい家には水道がまだ引かれていない
    • The new house doesn't have (running) water yet./The new house hasn't been connected to the water mains yet.
    • ここの水道は出がよい[悪い]
    • The tap water runs [doesn't run] well here.
    • 水道を出したり止めたりする
    • turn the tap [spigot/《米》 faucet] on and off
    • 水道を出しっ放しにする
    • leave the faucets [taps] running
    • 料金不払いで水道を止められた
    • As I didn't pay the water bill, my water supply was cut off.
  1. 2〔水路〕a channel
    • 豊後水道
    • the Bungo Channel
  1. 水道管a water pipe;〔本管〕a water main
  1. 水道局the Waterworks Bureau; the water department
  1. 水道工事〔家の中の〕plumbing;〔道路などの〕water main work [construction; maintenance](▼constructionは新しい工事,maintenanceは補修)
  1. 水道栓〔蛇口〕 《米》 a faucet;《英》 a tap
  1. 水道料water rates [charges]
    • 水道料を払う
    • pay one's water bill
  1. 水道屋a plumber

