1. (official) commendation ((for a thing))

    表彰する commend ((a person on [for] a thing))

    • 彼は消火に協力して表彰された
    • He 「was officially commended [won official commendation] for helping the firemen fight a fire.
    • 政府は緑化運動に尽くした林氏の功績を表彰した
    • The government made public recognition of the services rendered by Mr. Hayashi in the tree-planting campaign.
  1. 表彰式a commendation ceremony;〔競技の〕「a prize-giving [an award-giving] ceremony
  1. 表彰状((be awarded; be given)) a certificate of commendation, a testimonial;〔軍隊などの〕a citation
  1. 表彰台〔競技の〕a podium; a winners' platform; a victory stand
    • 表彰台に登る
    • mount the winners' platform

