1. 1〔大部分〕almost [nearly] all, for the most part, mostly;〔ほとんど〕nearly, practically
    • 財産のあらかたを使い果たした
    • He squandered away almost all his property.
    • 昔の友人はあらかた死んでしまった
    • Most of my old friends are dead (and gone).
    • その報告書はあらかた秘書が書いたものだ
    • The report was written mostly [for the most part] by the secretary.
    • 建物はあらかた完成した
    • The building has almost [nearly/practically] been completed.
  1. 2〔全体から見て〕on the whole
    • 作文はあらかたよくできています
    • The composition is 「on the whole [《文》 in the main] well written.

